Please Join Security in Context and the OU Center for Peace and Development at the University of Oklahoma for "The Women's Movement and the Challenge of Political Islam in Turkey," a talk with Yeşim Arat, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Bogazici University in Istanbul.
Date/Time: Wednesday, February 8, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
You can register for the Zoom webinar here: https://oklahoma.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DC8L_OJoRxy9S03q0d4-QQ
Professor Yeşim Arat was a member of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Bogazici University, Istanbul from 1983-2022, and is a member of the Science Academy of Turkey. Professor Arat works on questions of women’s political participation, gender-based violence and problems of democratization in Turkey. She is the author of The Patriarchal Paradox: Women Politicians in Turkey (1989), Rethinking Islam and Liberal Democracy: Islamist Women in Turkish Politics (2005), Violence against Women in Turkey (2007, with Ayşe Gül Altınay), and Turkey Between Democracy and Authoritarianism (with Şevket Pamuk) (Cambridge, 2019) as well as many academic articles.
For accommodation on the basis of disability, contact stephaniesager@ou.edu