The statements made and opinions expressed are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Security in Context network, its partner organizations, or its funders.

This entry was compiled by Nick Bythrow, with additional contributions from other members of the Security in Context network. A downloadable version of this article is available below.


On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian political and military organization Hamas launched a coordinated operation against multiple targets in Israel resulting in approximately 1,200 deaths of both civilian and military personnel. In response, Israel launched an enormous military operation in Gaza, purportedly targeting Hamas in retaliation. As of early April 2024, OCHA reports 32, 957 Palestinians killed and the displacement of over 75% of the population of Gaza.

This entry of the Critical Texts on Security, compiles and annotates Security in Context’s coverage of the conflict which we have grouped under three overarching themes: i) International relations and responses to the war; ii) Critiques of Media Coverage; and iii) The dynamics of the conflict as a whole.

The texts below vary from original policy papers published by Security in Context to articles and analysis published on our Global Insecurity blog. This list was last updated on April 4, 2024. We will continue to update the list periodically. For feedback or comments please email:

Conflict Dynamics

Locked-In Conflict: Israel’s Repressive Carceral System and the Criminalization of Palestinians Was One of the Catalysts for October 7th.

By Mandy Turner - March 26, 2024

In this policy paper, Mandy Turner argues that Western media and politicians ignore the main reason why Hamas undertook its 7 October 2023 attack on Israel – to capture Israeli soldiers to use as bargaining chips for the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Hostage-taking in the region has a history stretching back to 1968 and has been used by many political factions, not just Hamas. Israel’s mass incarceration of Palestinians – one million since 1967 – is one of the reasons why Palestinian prisoners play such a central role in the Palestinian collective psyche and in the national movement, across all political factions. The huge increase in arrests and detentions since 7 October, which has nearly doubled the Palestinian prisoner population in Israeli jails, has further exposed Israel’s repressive carceral practices. Portraying Hamas as a “spoiler of peace” might suit certain narratives, but it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of Palestinian political dynamics and motivations.

Hamas: The Islamist Golem?

By Assaf Kfoury - March 6, 2024

Kfoury’s article highlights the history of Hamas, specifically chronicling how they emerged as a powerful Palestinian force by the end of the 1990’s. A branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas was formed in the late 1980’s, its beginnings influenced by changes in nationalist groups throughout Palestinian history. This includes the rise of the Fatah in the 1970’s, which stood out among Islamists and pro-communist nationalists at the time. Eventually, from out of the Muslim Brotherhood and through dissatisfaction with leadership from the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Hamas was formed in December 1987. By August 1988, they had published a Covenant that promoted “a mixture of the Brotherhood’s socially puritanical version of Islam, concessions to the nationalism espoused by the PLO, and a superficial rehash of Eurocentric antisemitism.” By late 1988, Hamas had severed diplomatic ties between themselves and Israeli officials, presenting on a platform of Palestinians coming first without exception. This has resulted in Israeli targeting of Hamas leaders in recent years, trying to utilize a “divide-and-rule” strategy that only became horrifically troublesome during the October 7th attacks.

Capacitating Young Palestinian Refugees for Civic Action in Marginalized Contexts [PART 2]

By Kamal Abouchedid - February 11, 2024

In Part 2 of Abouchedid’s study, the researcher discusses the methodology and results of studying Palestinian refugees in Lebanon aged 15-24 and the challenges they face in their daily lives. Using 391 subjects, the study focused on “school life; family life; professional life; social life; and the future.” Overall, Palestinian youth used “marginalized contexts” to discuss their fears and doubts. They experienced individual threats from those outside their immediate circles, as well as social threats due to anxiety that their homes would be uprooted in the future. Drug and gang issues were also discussed as prevalent among younger communities. Outlets to dispel negativity include awareness campaigns for solutions to these issues and volunteer work to the betterment of society. Concluding, Abouchedid proposed short-term, medium-term, and long-term solutions, which act as a pipeline from acquiring education and skills all the way to crafting reform plans to better the lives of fellow refugees.

Capacitating Young Palestinian Refugees for Civic Action in Marginalized Contexts [PART 1]

By Kamal Abouchedid - February 11, 2024

In Part 1 of Abouchedid’s study, the researcher provides context for a paper about Palestinian refugees in Lebanon aged 15-24 and the challenges they face in their daily lives. The focus is “on refugees and displaced communities in Lebanon,” seeking to add to the literature by giving their daily lives a proper spotlight. This first part highlights other research sectors that have been touched upon for refugees, including civic engagement, governing structures, and youth radicalization, mainly stemming from studies in refugee camps. The section also provides the questions for Abouchedid’s study, inquiring about feelings of safety and the best ways to address community issues. Abouchedid then provides background context to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. This includes how they live amongst predominantly Christian communities, although “endure degrading living conditions, inequalities, and social exclusion.” They are also excluded from working in the country’s labor market, with Palestinian youths in particular responding to unemployment through various recreational activities or religious worship.

Merchants of Death: Israel’s Permanent War Economy

By Tariq Dana - January 29, 2024

In this paper, Dana analyzes the “permanent war economy” of Israel, which is looked at through the lens of it being critical to the country’s infrastructure. The topics included in this analysis are militarism within Israeli society, patronage to the US military, the routine testing of advanced military technology on Palestinian civilians, and using international arms trading as a globalization strategy. Dana goes back to the establishment of Israel, discussing how militarization was a key factor in its formation. Since then, military apparatuses have been employed to maintain its social and economic power in the region. This includes the use of militant nationalism, normalizing military perspectives for youth through education. Positive relations with the United States have also helped, the powerful nation getting billions of dollars in financial backing a year–all to do with strengthening their military. Dana posits Israel uses “Palestine as a laboratory,” testing drone technology and forms of mass killing on Palestinians. One example provided is how the Hermes 900 drone was used to kill 2,000 Palestinians–including 500 children–during 2014’s “Protective Edge” operation. Israel’s militant activities also stretch beyond their borders, with arms exports linked to events like the Rwandan Genocide. Dana concludes by illustrating how the consequences of the ongoing Gaza war actually impact much more than its region.

Gaza Apocalypse

By Mouin Rabbani - January 26, 2024

Rabbani states in this article that Israel’s historical behavior is ultimately to blame for the current state of the Gaza region and the ongoing conflicts in the area. He dives into the 1973 October War, wherein Israel ceded land in occupied Egyptian territory. He explains how the October War was an early catalyst for Zionist movements to campaign toward conquest in their occupied territories in the Middle East. This included laying the groundwork for the decades of oppression that led to Hamas’ premeditated October 7, 2023 attack. Rabbani acknowledges how traumatic these attacks were on Israel, highlighting how over 1,000 people were killed during them. However, he also highlights how Israel’s months-long bombardment in Gaza shows the power disparity between them and Palestinians, especially given how easy it was for them to dismantle Hamas’ military structures. Highlighting further the chaos within the region, he says, “Israel has transformed the entire Gaza Strip into a killing field.” He concludes by warning that, due to the level of violence the region has endured, Palestinians may no longer see peace as a viable solution to the conflict.

The Unending Challenge: Why Hamas Cannot be Completely Destroyed

By Abdalhadi Alijla - January 7, 2024

Alijla’s article opens by revealing the significant financial restrictions PA placed on members of Hamas between 1994 and 2002, a vain attempt at keeping them from gaining power in Gaza. However, even with officiated leadership, Hamas’ support in September 2023 was at 38%. Going back even further reveals that, “in 2022 approximately 23% of respondents expressed significant trust in Hamas, whereas 52% reported having no trust at all.” Alijla explains, however, a discrepancy prevalent in pre-October 7 Hamas viewpoints: While many Palestinians were sympathetic to their resistance to Israel, they generally disagreed with militant tactics the group employed. However, this didn’t stop Hamas’ approval rating from rising to 42% in December 2023, no doubt spurred by Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians. Alijla later compares Hamas “to a chimera from Greek mythology, embodying traits of various entities: it operates as a social movement, military organization, rebel group, governing body, political party, and has been labelled [sic] both a terrorist group and a freedom fighter group.” Because of these multifaceted labels, he argues, the group cannot be fully eliminated, indicating Israel’s post-October 2023 assault on Gaza must be targeting civilians as well.

Regional Consequences of Israel’s War on Gaza

By Abdalhadi Alijla - December 30, 2023

In this article, Alijla touches on the regional consequences that have transpired because of the war in Gaza. The first topic is Benjamin Netanyahu and how, using the war, he is prolonging his political power. Escalating the war by saying it’s to keep Israel safe also paints him as the figure who can make such safety happen. Second is how other regions, such as Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon, have factored into the war and responded to the ongoing violence. Alijla posits that Netanyahu could try to attack Lebanon, citing how Houthi ships in the Red Sea are already being targeted. The third and final point discussed is the slow degradation of relevancy and trust in the Palestinian Authority (PA) among Palestinians. Explaining how the PA has been less trustworthy in the eyes of citizens since 2000, it’s indicated that Israeli military actions could continue to alter the political landscape of Gaza. Alijla ends by discussing the dichotomy of how, while Israel seems keen on expanding operations, powers like the US don’t want to watch the war escalate.

Is Hamas Really the Issue?

By Somdeep Sen - December 30, 2023

Sen posits that Hamas was being used as a scapegoat to justify Israel’s subjugation tactics, particularly in ways to erase and demoralize Palestinians. He recalls events like 2018’s “Great March of Return,” which saw Palestinian protestors march to the Israeli border to call for the end of Palestinian displacement: “This reminder of the persistence of the Palestinian quest for liberation and the call for return was met with a hail of Israeli bullets.” His other examples include the Palestinian Authority working with Israeli intelligence, and forcible removal of people from East Jerusalem in 2021. Sen also critiques European Union donors for financially supporting the Palestinian Authority, hoping “[a]t the least…this disincentives a military confrontation and guarantees Israel’s security and stability.” He concludes by saying the war-torn developments in the region cannot be fully blamed on one political party (Hamas) and instead reflects a wholesale history of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Why We Need to Talk About ‘State Terrorism’ by Israel in Gaza

By Richard Jackson and Mandy Turner - December 22, 2023

Jackson and Turner posit that Israel’s actions in Gaza fall under the definition of terrorism, believing discussions and responses to the violence should be labeled as “state terrorism.” They state that “this is not just a question of semantics,” utilizing historical acts of terrorism to underscore how civilians are targeted, often for identity and politics. Using this context, the researchers provide examples painting Israel’s mass murder of Palestinians as terrorism. Cited events include how 20,000 Palestinians had been killed between October 7 and December 21, 70% of these victims women and children. Mass bombings of buildings, including schools and hospitals, was also highlighted. The indiscriminate violence on display warrants the label of terrorism, made more potent by statements from Israeli officials stating civilian targeting is happening. They say that, while Israel is justifying their attack as a counterterrorist operation, their purposeful acts of violence against civilians can be viewed and labeled as terroristic.

The Socioeconomic Consequences of the War on Gaza: An Interview with UN ESCWA’s Mehrinaz El Awady

Video Interview - December 16, 2023

Anita Fuentes interviews Mehrinaz El Awady about how the war in Gaza has had major socioeconomic consequences on the region. Speaking about the evolution of these issues, she reveals difficulties like land blockades and underfunded social programs that made life in Gaza prior to the war difficult in the first place. High level of poverty in the West Bank has led to even more strife now that the war is ongoing. In her findings, El Awady predicted a GDP decrease of between 4-9% for 2024, with 390,000 jobs already lost. Lack of healthcare, especially for pregnant women is also highlighted. She concludes by revealing that, even if a ceasefire were to happen overnight, there would still be a massive amount of recovery the region would need to go through because of how devastating the war has been.

Gaza: New Dynamics of the Middle East

By Abdalhadi Alijla - December 7, 2023

Alijla’s article focuses on the aftermath of the October 7 attacks for the region, following the November 22, 2023 “humanitarian pause” negotiated for the war in Gaza. A key section of the article describes how Hamas justified their initial attack, claiming it as a way to free Palestinians from Israeli prisons. The goal, however, appeared to be a status quo disruption, something that had dire consequences because of Israeli’s bombardment of the region afterwards. This led to countries like Saudi Arabia and Jordan to pull away their ties from Israel, alongside multiple Latin American countries. Alijla posits that, with the involvement of Hezbollah in the conflict now, it’s impossible to predict where the conflict will go from here–other than continue to deepen global divides.

Can We Talk About Genocide?

By Tamir Sorek and Sonia Boulos - November 29, 2023

In this article, Sorek and Boulos analyze how Western discourse surrounding the Gaza war has been negating the notion that what Israel is doing can be described as genocide. Using definitions provided by the Genocide Convention of 1948, they argue that there is a multifaceted legal interpretation by which genocide can be interpretedd. Hamas’ attack on October 7 resulted in a major public push toward notions of genocidal intent. However, it’s been argued that Israel’s targeting of civilians can be perceived as a genocide of its own. While some have argued against this notion, Israel’s use of wartime force is also put under a lens, with an argument made that their perception has to do with Jewish persecution throughout history. For them, their fight against Palestinians is a historical protective measure. However, that also requires a very specific viewpoint of genocide that negates certain groups from ever being able to commit it. This may not be the case, thereby layering the war in Gaza with different viewpoints depending on genocide’s definition.

Settler Colonialism in Palestine: An Interview with Rabie Nasser

Video Interview - November 11, 2023

Omar Dahi interviews Rabie Nasser about his article for Syrian Center for Policy Research (SCPR) “Settler Colonialism in Palestine: Structures of Violence and Injustice.” Naser discussed the historical context rooting the modern day Gaza conflict. He highlights the use of “modern identity politics” in the conflict, referencing the politicization of religion to warrant Israel’s establishment: “[T]hey use the narrative of religion to fight against Arabs and then Muslims and Christians…. So it’s myths that have been used in different stories, different religions, but they want to translate it into real politics.” Nasser also goes on to critique Western nations that have historically supported Israeli endeavors. He claims the US and European countries have turned a blind eye to many anti-humanitarian developments against Palestinians that have been happening in the region for decades. Nasser also denies notions that economic growth in Gaza guarantees the preservation of human rights and peacetime. It could just as likely make inequality more rampant.

ACSS Roundtable: Palestine & R2P

Omar Dahi, Sami Hermez, and Coralie Pison Hindawi - November 1, 2023

This collection of articles is a republication from the Beirut School of Critical Security Studies within the Arab Council for the Social Sciences in 2019. The articles center around Israel, Palestine, and the UN’s “Responsibility to Protect,” or R2P, republished to consider in light of the ongoing war. A new introduction by Hindawi explains the R2P doctrine’s significance in the modern day, stating that “When UN member states unanimously endorsed the doctrine during the 2005 world summit, they explicitly acknowledged that, when the national authorities in charge are unable or unwilling to protect their populations from such crimes, the responsibility to protect falls upon the 'international community.'” The additional articles are then introduced: “Shoot to Maim: The Harvesting of Palestinian Bodies” by Ghassan Abu-Sittah; “R2P and the Palestinian Ordeal” by Richard Falk; “R2P, R2K, The Responsibility to Protect and the Right to Know: Reflections on the Question of Palestine” by Irene Gendzier; “Protecting Palestinians: Postcolonial Reminiscences” by Siba N'Zatioula Grovogui; “Obscuring the Responsibility to Protect” by David Palumbo-Liu; “Historical R2P: Britain's Special Accountability” by Ilan Pappe; “All Member States” by Vijay Prashad; and “Environmental Justice in Palestine: Rights of Natives to Their Environment Versus Colonial Onslaught” by Mazin B. Qumsiyeh.

Israeli’s Actions in the Lead Up to October 7th

By Atallah Salim - October 14, 2023

In this article, political researcher Atallah Salim notes a rise in right-wing politicians across Israel in late 2022 and early 2023. Figures like Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich “called for the Palestinian village of Hawara to be ‘wiped out’ by the Israeli government” in March of 2023, while Palestinian cities on the West Bank like Jenin were attacked multiple times by Israeli military forces. Israel also began approving more housing units across the West Bank, establishing 12,855 new ones in 2023 prior to October 7. Presenting a “New Middle East” map to the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not mention Palestine as part of his future plans.

International Relations

Countering “Day After” Narratives: Notes Towards a Practical Program for Palestinian Liberation and Global Solidarity

By Mandy Turner - February 29, 2024

Turner analyzes the complexities of “day after” narratives surrounding the Gaza war, particularly the connection between pushes for Palestinian freedom and Israeli colonization of the region. She highlights how groups like the UN, the EUl and the US are trying to push for a “two-state solution” to the war, which ignores decades of history that indicate such resolutions are untenable. Turner argues Israel “must not be allowed to dictate the terms of the peace or the post-ceasefire governance arrangements,” discussing how the reclassification of Israel as a colonizing power would better suit humanitarian efforts for Palestinians. She goes on to propose the replacement of security-based resolutions with rights-based ones, utilizing a “triple nexus” approach via the UN for a focus on sustainability over simple humanitarian aid. Turner says the combination of these approaches would result in a multitude of “days after,” which would allow for Palestinian determinism that is self-reliant instead of beholden to outside forces for survival. She concludes by warning that, if violence across the Gaza Strip were to continue and become normalized, it would spell disaster for any possibility of liberation in the region. The longer the war goes on, the farther away any form of peaceful resolution becomes.

Latin America’s Support for South Africa’s Case Against Israel at the ICJ

By Fernando Brancoli - January 22, 2024

Here, Brancoli highlights how multiple Latin American countries, in particular, “Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, and Venezuela,” threw their support behind South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The accusations of genocide levied against Israel changed the tune of some countries, such as Colombia, whose military partnership with Tel Aviv was previously ended. Brancoli discusses how these Latin American country’s support of South Africa possibly aligns the interests of the Global South with one against Israel. He posits that “it highlights the complexity and multidimensionality of what [state] interests can entail” when so many countries have a similar, global interest. He also emphasizes how their support for the case goes against the normalization of Western thought processes regarding the war. The Latin American countries reveal the power of Global North narratives about the war is not the final say, and doesn’t need to be supported by nations that have their own viewpoints.

What Are the Implications of South Africa’s Case Against Israel for Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza?

By Sonia Boulos - January 8, 2024

Boulos writes, “On 29 December 2023, South Africa instituted proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), concerning alleged violations of key obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention), committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza.” These accusations of genocide are steeped in Israel’s attacks against the Palestinian population, requesting the ICJ to order Israel to stop military operations in Gaza. Prior genocide cases are brought to the forefront as well, including Bosnia and Herzegovina accusing Yugoslavia of breaking the Genocide Convention during the Balkan war in 1993. While the ICJ ruled Serbia/Montenegro did not commit genocide, they did rule that they’d failed to prevent genocide in July 1995, another key element of the Convention. In the case of Israel, though, the accusations of genocidal intention are highlighted in Boulos’ specific examples: “restricting telecommunication via blackouts, targeting journalists on the ground, and restricting the access of fact-finding bodies and the international media to Gaza.” These methods, South Africa argues, are used to keep eyes and ears off what’s going on in the region, making it more difficult to ascertain the extent to which Israel is attacking the Gaza Strip. Boulous predicts a ruling against Israel, discussing how the long-term impacts include the possibility of “economic or diplomatic sanctions,” help civilians fight their own court cases against Israel, or stop the country’s warfare in Gaza wholesale.

Colombia’s Shifting Military Ties: Moving Away from Decades of Israeli Sponsored Violence

By Basil Farraj - December 21, 2023

Pointing out how Israel is “the world’s tenth largest weapons exporter,” Farraj uses recent data from Colombia’s weapons dealings with the nation to highlight the major significance of their now-fractured relationship. In January 2023, Colombia bought $101.7 million worth of 155mm howitzer Atmos, and later in the year “announced a contract worth $131.2 million to Israel Aerospace Industries for the truck-transportable Barak MX air defense system.” Colombia has also relied on Israel for military security training and counterterrorism efforts. However, this history is far from bloodless: Israel’s Lieutenant Yair Klein was convicted in absentia in 2001 for training far-right paramilitary organizations and drug lord armies across Colombia. In relation to the modern conflict, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Lior Haiat publicly accused Petro of antisemitism for condemning their Gaza military operations. Petro shot back, aiming more allegations of fascist behavior at the country, while accusing Israel of assisting in violence across Colombia’s history. He furthered this with a direct accusation of Israel administering genocide on the Palestinian population, accusing them of doing the same against Colombia in decades past. Farraj concludes with a statement hopeful that global solidarity can be ushered in, starting with Colombia’s willingness to stand up against Israeli actions in Gaza.

Palestine and the Force of Global Solidarity

By Sami Hermez - December 7, 2023

In this article, Hermez discusses the global solidarity movement with Palestine, explaining how its opposition to war and genocide are resulting in attempts to silence it. He highlights how, when the October 7 attacks first happened, a global anti-Palestinian sentiment was the public’s instinctive reaction. However, when Israel’s response resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, even mainstream news sites like The New York Times reported on the unprecedented violence that had erupted in Gaza. In online spheres like TikTok, global support for Palestinian civilians has made waves, creating a global movement of solidarity with the people of Gaza. However, this narrative is counter to established powers like the US and European countries, many of whom are financially backing Israel’s military operations. Hermez continues with a focus on the US, stating that, while its political viewpoints may not change right away, the persistence of change from its people can make a difference. He ends the article with a call to action: “We must hold onto these gains, double our efforts and our pressure, and ensure that we work together strategically and sustainably, with all the patience required for the long and painful road to freedom ahead.”

Advocating For Global Justice: Ione Belarra's Insightful Perspectives On Palestine, Human Rights, And The #JusticeForGaza Initiative

Video Interview - November 28, 2023

Anita Fuentes interviews Ione Belarra about the war in Gaza, specifically discussing the #JusticeforGaza initiative that has garnered global support over the course of the war. Belarra explains how, due to mainstream media messages often skewing toward support for Israeli warfare, the online movement is meant to spark discussions outside the norms. Namely, to shine a spotlight on what Israel is being allowed to do in their attacks without recompense from the international community. Saying the war “defies the whole legal and institutional architecture built after World War II around human rights,” Belarra underscores a belief that mainstream press and governmental responses don’t fully represent the thoughts of people around the world. She says the Global South will be a key component to raising awareness of what’s going on and pushing for major governmental figures to get involved diplomatically regarding the war.

Understanding Latin America’s Shifting Stance Toward Israel

Event Discussion - November 17, 2023

Fernando Brancoli hosts an event discussing the nature of Latin American responses to the war in Gaza. A statement from Dr. Marta Tawil Kuri best illustrates: “On the issue of Palestine, positions in Latin America have tended to be fragmented.” Kuri goes on to explain that countries in the region are split between backing Israel, Palestinian support, and trying to form “equidistance” between the factions. She says that, in the case of Mexico, there is a lack of interest from President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to address international issues wholesale. Dr. Maricio Jaramillo Jassir points out that Colombia’s Petro is the only Latin American leader to label the Gaza war as genocide, while Dr. Pablo Alvarez Cabello points out a lack of interest in foreign policy issues from Chile’s President Gabriel Boric–despite his verbal condemnation of Israel. These experts indicate the level of complexity associated with Latin American reactions to the Gaza war, even for nations whose leaders reprimand Israel for their actions. They also highlight how unique Latin America is for their responses, especially when compared to the way the conflict is portrayed by US media organizations.

War in Gaza and US Policy

Event Discussion - November 1, 2023

Omar Dahi moderates a discussion that touches on how unique US policy in the region is compared even to Western European nations. Executive Vice President of the Center for International Policy Matthew Duss explains how US interests often boil down to competition with China. Citing arms deal proposals made by National Security Council Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGurk, Duss believes the US’ ultimate goal is to “stitch together a bunch of regional arms deals and call that peace.” Sarah Leah Whitson, Executive Director of Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) says such US responses act as approval for Israel’s killing of Palestinians. She says that, while there is a growing worldwide consensus for fighting to cease, actions of the US prevent peace in the region from happening. Adding to this is Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani, who calls out the country’s “unconditional support of Israel’s mass killing of Palestinian civilians, its unconditional supply of advanced weaponry to Israel, and the full knowledge that these are being used to commit war crimes–crimes against humanity–on a systematic basis.” He accuses the US of complicity with Israel’s war, knowingly aiding the deaths of Palestinian citizens through monetary funds. Professor and Senior Research Analyst Steven Simon also adds that the US doesn’t want a full-scale Gaza incursion, using tactics like sending diplomats to Israel in order to prevent such plans for moving forward.

From Gaza to the Pacific, All Oppression is Connected

By Van Jackson - October 31, 2023

Jackson analyzes how the Gaza war and the US’ response to it could have an impact on President Biden’s re-election in 2024. Using generational comparisons, he highlights how younger generations are less liable to support the US publicly supporting Israel, while older generations are a stark contrast. This can be explained through younger generations seeing “their parents’ and grandparents’ generation hoarding power at the top of society, keeping secrets from the public, and persisting with policies that make their existential concerns worse.” This makes younger people more likely to highlight injustices in the world as a collective issue rather than individualized ones. Jackson goes on to showcase how the UN General Assembly’s vote for humanitarian support to Gaza earned a “No” from the US. He also reveals statistics indicating Democrats are unlikely to vote for a President that outright shows support for Israel. He ends by warning that, without acknowledging the connections of global oppression, Biden can’t fully sway young voters to put their trust in his re-election.

Why Latin American Nations Stances Are Shifting Against Israel Amid the Gaza Conflict

By Fernando Brancoli - October 31, 2023

Brancoli’s article begins by explaining how Bolivia cut diplomatic ties with Israel because of the Gaza war, a decision paralleled by others made by Latin American countries. Notably, both Colombia and Chile pulled their ambassadors from Israel, reflecting disfavor with their war in Gaza. In addition, Brancoli touches upon Colombian President Gustavo Petro comparing Israel’s operations to Nazism, a significant event because of how allied both countries have been for decades. He ends the article discussing how the complexities of Latin American responses indicate ever-growing global dimensions to the war in Gaza.

How Much Military Aid Has Israel Received From the US?: An Interview with Stephen Semler

Video Interview - October 30, 2023

Co-founder of the Security Policy Reform Institute Stephen Semler breaks down the level of military aid Israel has received from the US. As of October 2023, the total aid–both military and economy–was “$159 billion since the late ‘40s,” with an 80% skew toward military aid. However, since 2008, economic aid has been mostly fazed out. Citing the US’ Foreign Assistance Act, Arms Export Control Act, and the Leahy Laws, Semler reveals the illegality of President Joe Biden sending additional aid to Israel post-October 2023. This is because these laws hinder the US from offering aid to a nation that has a proven record of human rights abuses, which Israel’s history with Palestine reflects. However, he also says, “had [the Foreign Assistance Act] been applied earlier, the US wouldn’t be as complicit in Israeli war crimes,” implying legal shakiness to the idea of sending military aid to the nation at all.

Gustavo Petro and Latin American Escalating Condemnations of Israel’s Attacks on Gaza

By Omar Dahi and Fernando Brancoli - October 16, 2023

This article analyzes Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro’s response to Israel’s actions. Petro condemned Israeli military operations in Gaza, comparing their “total blockade of Gaza to the practices of Nazism.” The Colombian president also invoked imagery of genocide, saying that “Hitler will be defeated for the good of humanity, its democracy, peace, and the freedom of the world,” directly comparing the Nazi dictator to Israeli leadership. Brancoli and Dahi explain the historical context behind Petro’s statement, namely how Latin American countries like Colombia–alongside Brazil and Chile–see Palestinian claims over the region as legitimate.

Media Coverage

Israel’s War on Journalists in Palestine and Southern Lebanon

By Widad Jarbouh- April 3, 2024

Widad Jarbouh discusses that Israel’s attack on journalists is not just in Palestine, but also targeting journalists in Southern Lebanon as well. Jarbouh discusses the other non-visible obstacles confronting Palestinian and Lebanese journalists covering the war.

Journalism and the Israeli Assault on Gaza

By Dima Issa - April 3, 2024

Professor Dima Issa discusses Israel’s targeting of Palestinian journalists and their families as part of a multifaceted campaign to render Palestinians invisible and silence them, and a broader strategy to dehumanize Palestinians.

Disciplining the Discourse Around Israel-Palestine

By Joseph Levine - February 20, 2024

Levine’s article analyzes how rhetoric and messages pushed by both mainstream news organizations and political groups emphasize pro-Israeli views using progressive language. One example he uses is the notion of “Israel’s right to exist,” phrasing that automates Israel as a Jewish-oriented location that delegitimizes Palestinians living in Gaza. He takes a look at “Identity and Harm” as two major factors in justifying Israeli occupation of the land. These discussion points turn discourse surrounding Israel into one of identity politics, intentionally using the language of marginalization to justify the ongoing war. Levine later speaks about Zionism, and how anti-Zionism is increasingly becoming synonymous with anti-Semitism. He concludes by saying the “disciplining of discourse” like this in both the news and politics is a tactic to shield Israel from media criticism in its ongoing attacks.

Western Divergences in the Gaza War

By Nick Bythrow - December 30, 2023

Bythrow contrasts the prevailing pro-Israeli reports of mainstream US outlets to Middle Eastern stories offering sympathy toward Palestinian civilians. He highlights a study from University of California, Berkeley graduate student Holly Jackson, which reveals a Western media bias toward highlighting Israeli deaths in the conflict between October 7 and October 22. This is compounded by reports from Western outlets like CNN that spotlight named Israeli hostages and particular Israeli Defense Force (IDF) operations. As for Middle Eastern sources, outlets like Turkey’s Anadolu Agency (AA) and Egypt’s Mada Masr highlight Palestinian suffering, including additional historical context in their reports. Bythrow also displays how US and Middle Eastern news sources differ in their framing of Hamas. While Western news outlets parrot terroristic associations used by Biden to describe the group, Middle Eastern reports “nuance this view with language that trades terrorism for resistance.” However, Bythrow also highlights the discrepancies between news media and US citizens, as pro-Palestinian movements are still prevalent across the country.

Palestinians and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Western Media

By Kay Moussaed - October 28, 2023

Moussaed highlights examples of highly-publicized US news outlets displaying bias against giving Palestinians a media voice. Reflecting the maintenance of power structures in the West, Moussaed reveals the lack of historical context presented by outlets like CNN, who have been documented as avoiding the conversation about wider histories altogether. One example provided is of “CNN broadcaster Christiane Amanpour [interrupting] her guest, Head of the Palestinian Mission to the U.K. Husam Zomlot, while he attempted to provide historical context about the conflict. ‘Now what? I want to know what happens now?’ she said.” Moussaed describes pro-Palestinian speakers as having to take a public “litmus test” by condemning Hamas before demonstrating how Israel’s attacks have created a humanitarian crisis. However, he reveals that, even with context, the terrorist label now associated with Hamas because of the October 7 attack makes it difficult for historical context to permeate.

This resource will be updated as more outputs are available.

Article or Event LinkCritical Texts on Security - Palestine and Israel post-October 7th PDF
Apr 4, 2024



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