Please join Founding Director for Security in Context Omar Dahi for a teach-in titled "Pushed to the Brink of a Wider War: The Implications of the Current Middle East Crisis," an event sponsored by the Social Thought and Political Economy Program.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 at 7 PM EST
WHERE: UMass Campus, New Africa House Theater Room (03 in Basement) - Free and Open to the Public
Omar S. Dahi is a professor of economics at Hampshire College as well as a research associate at the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
He is the founding director of Security in Context, a research network on peace, conflict, and international affairs. He has published in academic outlets such as the Journal of Development Economics and Applied Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Political Geography, Middle East Report, Forced Migration Review, and Critical Studies on Security. His last book was South-South Trade and Finance in the 21st Century: Rise of the South or a Second Great Divergence (co-authored with Firat Demir).