Please join us on Thursday, February 18th at 12 US EST for a discussion of Prof. Laura Doyle's book, Inter-imperiality: Vying Empires, Gendered Labor, and the Literary Arts of Alliance.

Panelists: Professors Kate Bedford, Scarlett Cornelissen and Laura Doyle
Moderator: Professor Mark Laffey
To register, click here.
The event will also be live on the Security in Context Facebook page and Youtube channel.
Book Description: In Inter-imperiality Laura Doyle theorizes the co-emergence of empires, institutions, language regimes, stratified economies, and literary cultures over the longue durée. Weaving together feminist, decolonial, and dialectical theory, she shows how inter-imperial competition has generated a systemic stratification of gendered, racialized labor, while literary and other arts have helped both to constitute and to challenge this world order. To study literature is therefore, Doyle argues, to attend to world-historical processes of imaginative and material co-formation as they have unfolded through successive eras of vying empires. It is also to understand oral, performed, and written literatures as power-transforming resources for the present and future. To make this case, Doyle analyzes imperial-economic processes across centuries and continents in tandem with inter-imperially entangled literatures, from A Thousand and One Nights to recent Caribbean fiction. Her trenchant interdisciplinary method reveals the structural centrality of imaginative literature in the politics and possibilities of earthly life (from Duke University Press, 2020).
Professor Kate Bedford (University of Birmingham) is an interdisciplinary scholar with a background in political economy, development, socio-legal studies, and gender/sexuality studies. She is currently Head of Research at University of Birmingham's Law School.
Professor Scarlett Cornelissen (Stellenbosch University) is a professor in the Department of Political Science at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Her areas of research and expertise include Japanese diplomacy, aid and industry in Africa, Africa's international relations, and South African foreign policy. Cornelissen is co-editor of the Review of International Studies and Geopolitics and serves on the editorial boards of European Journal of International Relations, Journal of Modern African Studies and Chatham House's International Affairs.
Professor Laura Doyle (University of Massachusetts- Amherst) is a professor of English and co-convener of the World Studies Interdisciplinary Project. Her new book, Inter-imperiality, is just out from Duke University Press. She is currently co-editing a collection on Critical Global Studies with economist Mwangi wa Gĩthĩnji and cultural theorist Simon Gikandi.
Professor Mark Laffey (SOAS, London) is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Relations. His research interests are in International Relations Theory and International Security, with a particular interest in postcolonial approaches to world politics.
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