This is a roundup of news articles, reports, and other materials focusing on (in)security issues and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of Security in Context. The goal is to shed light on knowledge production on security-related issues of public interest from critical perspectives and from global south readings by highlighting media from four particular regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and developing Asia. Entries may include academic journal articles, think tank reports, non-governmental organizations releases, official documents or government-commissioned research, and regular news items. The material included covers SiC's key security issues: Climate Change, Security and International Relations, Migration and Displacement, Covid-19 and Capitalism, Technologies of Surveillance, Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Sexuality, Arms and the Military-industrial Complex, and Censorship. 

You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to

Latin America and the Caribbean

Grenada’s Opposition MPs prepared to work with new Government

August 26, 2022

The opposition members of Grenada’s Lower House of Parliament state that they are willing to work with the new government on legislation that will positively impact citizens but not on any policies that will create extra hardship.

Argentine Prosecutors Request 12-Year Sentence for VP

August 23, 2022

Argentine prosecutors are asking a judge to sentence the Argentine Vice President, Cristina Fernandez, to prison as well as to prohibit her from ever holding public office again for allegedly leading a criminal conspiracy.

COP26 Ambassador For SIDS Expresses Support On Dominica’s Climate Resiliency Efforts

August 22, 2022

Ken O’Flaherty, the COP26 Ambassador for Asia/Pacific, the Caribbean, and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) expressed in a tweet his support for Dominica’s efforts in becoming the first climate-resilient nation.


Nigeria: Insecurity impact on building sector

August 25, 2022

Workers in Nigeria’s construction industry have expressed security concerns, stating that they are unable to safely go about their work in the country.

Fighting Erupts in Northern Ethiopia, Shattering Cease-Fire

August 24, 2022

After a five-month ceasefire between rebels and the government, fighting has resumed on the border of Ethiopia’s Tigray region.

DR Congo confirms new case of Ebola linked to 2018 outbreak

August 22, 2022

A new Ebola case in Democratic Republic of Congo is linked to a 2018p-2020 outbreak, with the Ebola lingering within the survivor only to flare up two years after the outbreak had ended.

News: Flooding in four districts in Gambella region displaces more than four thousand households

August 22, 2022

Flooding in the Gambella region of Ethiopia has resulted in 4,139 households being displaced, a number that is sure to climb as flooding continues.

Middle East

Afghanistan floods kill more than 180, Taliban say

August 25, 2022

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid stated that 182 people had been killed, 250 injured, and over 3,000 homes destroyed due to massive flood in Afghanistan, one of a series of natural disasters the country has endured this past year.

Israel Indicts Islamic Jihad Leader Whose Arrest Sparked Latest Gaza Conflict

August 25, 2022

Islamic Jihad leader Bassam al-Saadi has been inidcted for supporting and actively contributing to a terrorist organization, as well as assuming a false identity.

Iranian provincial governor, Iraqi Kurdistan PM discuss ways to bolster ties

August 24, 2022

A meeting between an Iranian governor and the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister involved discussion of ways to increase tourism, trade, and transportation between the two countries.

Frantic rescue effort under way at Iraq shrine hit by landslide

August 21, 2022

Iraqi rescue workers are searching for survivors after a Shia shrine was hit by a landslide, resulting in 4 deaths and between 6-8 people trapped inside the shrine.

Developing Asia

Senior official says payments made in gratitude, not bribes

August 25, 2022

A senior district official was arrested in Chiang Mai, Thailand for allegedly demanding bribes. However, the official claims the payments he received were made out of gratitude.

Pakistan rejects India’s closure of missile firing incident

August 24, 2022

Pakistan has rejected India’s closure of an incident involving a supersonic missile being flown into Pakistani territory back in March, demanding a joint probe of the incident before official closure.

Philippines Returns to School, Ending One of World’s Longest Shutdowns

August 22, 2022

After two years without in-person classes due to the Covid-19 pandemic, children in the Philippines are returning to school.

Key Issues

This section includes the latest and most pressing news regarding SiC's key security issues.

BOLIVIA: Major pro-government demonstration in La Paz

August 26, 2022

Thousands took to the streets of La Paz, Bolivia’s capital, to demonstrate support of the

left-wing Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) government which is led by President Luis Arce.

U.S. ups the ante in Syria amid tough nuclear talks

August 26, 2022

The U.S. has conducted two airstrikes in northern Syria over the last two weeks in “response” to attacks on U.S. military personnel. United States Central Command’s (CENTCOM) Communication Director Colonel Joe Buccino states that the precision airstrikes were intended “ to defend and protect U.S. forces… [from] Iran-backed groups.” Iran denies any affiliation with the groups bombed in Syria and has emphasized that U.S. military presence there is ilegal. 

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Twenty Palestinians In West Bank

August 22, 2022

Israeli soldiers violently raided homes in the West Bank and captured 20 individuals. These abductions are part of a larger aggressive effort to raid homes, refugee camps, villages, and towns all over the west bank 

Article or Event Link
Aug 26, 2022
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