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IN-PERSON EVENT: March 7, 2023 - War With China: How Likely? What's Forcing It? Can It Be Prevented?

WAR WITH CHINA: How Likely? What's Forcing It? Can It Be Prevented?
Public Policy

Min Ye - The US-China Rivalry From TPP to BRI and FOIP

In this video, Min Ye presents about the rivalry between the United States and China in the context of the Trans Pacific Partnership, Belt and Road Initiative, and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy.

Could Geopolitical Competition Over Development Financing Benefit the Global South?

Since the launch of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, development financing has returned to the fore of global geopolitics. Despite its critics, the latest surge of great-power competition could be a good thing for developing countries.
Public Policy

CLIP: Jeffrey D. Sachs - Why the West Really Fears China

Clip from the video, "Multipolarity, US-China Relations, and the Political Economy of Global Insecurity - Jeffrey D. Sachs." In this segment, Sachs discusses GDP discrepancies between China and Western countries, underscoring how China and the West view economic growth and competition.