Articles on

Security in Context

Public Policy

Daniel Mains - Developmental Industrialization and Labor in Urban Ethiopia

Daniel Mains' presentation about the development of industrialization in urban Ethiopia and its impact on labor in the country, in the session on "Cross-Regional Experiences with Insecurity" within the inaugural Security in Context conference titled Landscapes of Insecurity that was held September 16th & 17th at the University of Oklahoma Norman in collaboration with the Center for Peace and Development.
News + Media

What is Security in Context?

An introduction to the SiC initiative, an international research initiative on peace, conflict, and international affairs.
News + Media

Public Launch: Security in Context

Join us for our online public launch where we will discuss the Security in Context initiative and its various components, as well as introduce some of the people and networks involved. Click below for the full event video.

Bringing Context to 'Security': the Launch of a New Project

Dominant security narratives in the West tend to obfuscate how security and insecurity are experienced and produced around the world. Centering global perspectives, often marginalized, is essential to understanding the different contexts, scales and registers of global security realities.
News + Media

Dr. Giulia El Dardiry on the Beirut School of Critical Security Studies and SiC

Dr. Giulia El Dardiry discusses the work of the Beirut School of Critical Security Studies collective, a working group within the Arab Council for the Social Sciences
News + Media

Professor Paul Amar presents Orfalea Center and SiC Collaboration

Professor Paul Amar, Director of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies and Professor of Global Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara on the Center's collaboration with SiC
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Professor Firat Demir on CPD at OU and SiC Collaboration

Firat Demir, Professor of Economics at the University of Oklahoma Norman and project director at the Center for Peace and Development explains the collaboration between the CPD and SiC
News + Media

Professor Fikret Adaman on Boğaziçi University and SiC Collaboration

Professor Fikret Adaman of Boğaziçi University discusses the collaboration between the Human Development Research Center and SiC.