Articles on

Syrian Refugees

Public Policy

Turkey/Syria Earthquake: Interview with Seda Altug

SIC Project Director Omar Dahi interviews Professor Seda Altug on her reactions to the earthquake, focusing on the impact and consequences in Turkey.
News + Media

Interview with Yasser Munif

Yasser Munif on his new book,"Syria's Revolution: Between the Politics of Life and Geopolitics of Death"
News + Media

Syrian Refugees and IDPs

A conversation about the the current state of Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons. Tima Kurdi shares her family's personal experience and Omar Dahi presents an examination of the situation.

Dignity and Humiliation: Identity Formation among Syrian Refugees

An examination of “humiliation” and “dignity” as a dynamic that shapes Syrian refugees’ identities via interaction with pro-regime or pro-opposition Syrians or pro-refugees or anti-refugees in hosting countries.